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SouthPoint Church

What is Servolution?

At SouthPoint, we engage in Servolution, aiming to bring about radical life changes through simple acts of kindness, all to glorify God.

Why we do it?

One of our core values at SouthPoint is

"We love our city & take responsibility for it."

This is why we love going out in our community, taking care of the city and its people. 


Homeless Outreach
Date: Tuesday, May 21st
Time: 8:00am

Meet at SouthPoint
Assemble necessity bags
Prepare breakfast and drinks
Take all items and hand them out downtown

Leader: Patti Wendel 901-871-5141

Hosting the Car Show
Sunday, May 19th
Time 2:00 pm - dark-ish

We will be hosting a car show for Ricky Neal and his hotrod and funny car group.

We will prepare and hand out hot dogs and drinks.

Also be available to talk to people and show them around the church if needed

Then cleanup after the event

Leader: Patti Wendel 901-871-5141


MayDay Event
Saturday, May 25th
Time: 8:00am - 3:00pm

We will be hosting a MayDay family event in the SP parking lot.  Volunteers are needed to supervise games, crafts, food and generally have fun.  We will also have setup and cleanup teams if you cannot stay for the entire event.

Leader:Amanda Burton 501-472-5188


Trash Pickup and Beautification
Saturday, May 25th
Time:  8:00am

Picking up trash and making sure the SouthPoint property looks fresh and clean.

Leader: Patti Wendel 901-871-5141

Southaven Yard Beautification
Saturday, May 25th
Time: 8:00am

Yard work needed for a homeowner in Southaven.  Meet at SouthPoint to get the address.

Bring yard tools and grass cutting equipment if you can.

Leader: Patti Wendel 901-871-5141


Late Night Hospital Giveaway
Friday, May 24th
Time: 11:00pm

Take protein bars and drinks to the staff at the local hospitals.
We will meet at SouthPoint and go out to hospitals in DeSoto County and Memphis


Leader: Patti Wendel 901-871-5141

Olive Branch Yard Beautification
Saturday, May 25th
Time: 8:00am

Yard work needed for a homeowner in Olive Branch.  Meet at SouthPoint to get the address.

Bring yard tools and grass cutting equipment if you can.

Leader: Patti Wendel 901-871-5141

Need Help?

We realize there are people all throughout our church that need help with things. If you need help with something please contact us through this form. 

Thanks for submitting!

Did you take pictures during your serve event? Send them to:

Visit on Sunday

SouthPoint meets at 
2010 Stateline Rd W
Southaven, MS 38671
Service Times 
9 & 10:30

Our Pastors

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Our church is led by our amazing Pastors Craig & Patti Wendel

Our Mission

We are a people of faith, known for our love and voice of hope in our community.
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